Music Videos

The end of 2022 saw Ahead4Heights expanding into more conventional filmmaking with the acquisition of the Blackmagic 4k cinema camera system and editing software. As I have a long musical history it has seemed to be the obvious move to start making music videos so have also added this to our list of services.

We can now produce high end music videos at an affordable cost, we can even offer live recording if you want to perform and film live.

Filming Bollywood...

Ahead4Heights recently had the opportunity to work on a Bollywood film production. Local drone op Oli Dickinson passed the work to us as he was unable to attend on that occasion, and it was quite the experience with the producer on one side and the director of photography on the other both giving rapid direction to me!

It was a challenging but ultimately rewarding day and one that will be remembered. Here are a few photo’s and screenshots of the day…

Great start to 2021

Having been trading now for the first three months I am feeling comfortable at the reigns of Ahead4Heights and have been steadily building my flying skills AND my people skills. Clients are happy with our work and have been getting some great reviews and feedback. A company vehicle has now been acquired and is currently being sign written with the company logo so watch out for that!

I am pleased to say that despite a 3 month delay due to COVID-19 I have passed my Flight Assessment and am now fully qualified. The next thing to do is send my certificates, Operations Manual and admin fee to The Civil Aviation Authority to apply for my Permission For Commercial Operations certificate. We are getting close now to the start of trading!

So over the last couple of months I have been working to set up my aerial photography, cinematography and inspection company Ahead4Heights. Progress to date includes passing my PFCO theory exam and creating my operations manual, which will be sent to the Civil Aviation Authority along with my pass certificate and a statement of recommendation from my flight assessment (which I will be taking early next month).

I have also been putting many hours in flying the drones and getting my skills up to the required level and have been fortunate enough to purchase a professional high end drone the DJI Inspire 2.